Private dental treatment is so expensive that more and more people are entertaining the prospect of dental implants abroad. But for every success story about recovering lost smiles while saving thousands of pounds, you also hear corresponding unpleasant horror stories regarding scams and messed up dental work.
This article addresses the reasons why major dental procedures are so much cheaper overseas and why this does not necessarily mean that you will receive substandard service or inferior quality implants.
Why is it cheaper?
The answer is that it is not due to a combination of low-grade materials and inexperienced doctors, but hinges on the ‘cost of living’ in a country, which is more often than not, significantly lower than the UK’s.
You can visit top dental clinics whose standards exceed the average practice in Britain and receive treatment from highly regarded Budapest Dental Ireland practitioners, while spending only a fraction of what you would in your home country.
Where do people travel to?
Dental tourism has spread across the world, with the top five countries including, Thailand, Mexico, Hungary, Turkey, and the Ukraine.
Where you go is up to you. While recovering, you can beach hop and visit ancient temples in Thailand, or admire the unique architecture and lap up the cultural enlightenment in Budapest, the thriving capital city of Hungary.
What can I expect?
If you do your homework and find a reputable clinic, you can look forward to quality-assured care, a highly efficient dental team, treatments with fast results, and an unforgettable holiday to boot.
People who have previously flown overseas for dental work often describe the experience as something they love to remember when they return home.
Are flights and accommodation included?
If you book through a dental agency, the costs of the flights and accommodation are included in the price. Everything you need is sorted for you, so you can kick back, relax, and enjoy your fully restored smile.
Some people go one step further and find dental practices in Budapest Dental Ireland with clinics spread across the world, which works as well as dental agencies, if not better.
Are tooth implants abroad different?
Superior quality implants are the same everywhere. A specialised dental practitioner performs the procedure, which involves drilling a pure titanium implant into your jaw to replace your missing tooth at its root. An artificial crown is then connected to the top screw using an abutment piece. After recovery, the user can enjoy life uninhibited by an unpredictable device.
Are there other treatments offered excluding implants?
Implant surgery is one of several dental procedures included in dental tourism. However, most people travel across countries for major cosmetic surgeries, rather than anything else, where the prices back home would probably cost a formidable amount.
These are the most commonly performed procedures:
- Dental implants
- Veneers
- Bridges
- Crowns
- Teeth whitening
- Fillings, extractions and root canals
- Certain braces
Dental implants and veneers are the most expensive on the list if you have them acquired in London. However abroad, not only are they more affordable, but a holiday is also added to the mix without you feeling any financial pressure.
There are several reasons to opt for implants abroad but be clever about it – do plenty of research and read online testimonials before you book your flight or treatment.