Reducing the Devastating Effects of Natural Disasters

Natural disasters have been a endangering human life since civilization began. As hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes and earthquakes have cost hundreds of thousands of lives, efforts to relieve the devastation have been a priority, with some promising results to show.

Visualizing More With Drones

Large scale natural disasters such as wildfires can make access to the affected areas difficult. Often, it may even be hard to see what is happening in certain areas. The use of aircraft is common, but flying can sometimes be dangerous or impossible. Drones can be used to visualize certain parts of the affected area, identifying problems such as hot spots in a fire that could flare up again.

Providing Shelter for First Responders and Evacuees

Those who remain in a disaster area are typically trained personnel such as firefighters and paramedics. These first responders need a safe place to rest where they can also remain close to the disaster area. Mobile sleeping units are a great solution to this problem, allowing crews to rest safely and providing sanitation services such as toilets and showers. In situations where evacuees need shelter, these mobile units can also be used.

Implementing Prevention Efforts

An essential aspect of reducing the devastation of a natural disaster is preventing them whenever possible. Efforts in the prevention of wildfires include laws banning fireworks and camp fires during dry seasons and creating fire break lines in residential areas that can help prevent flames from reaching homes or businesses. In cases where the disaster itself cannot be prevented, the priority may shift to preventing death and injury.

In any natural disaster, protecting human life is the first priority and technology and experience have made that increasingly possible. Preventing disaster and mitigating its effects, as well as providing for those affected are just a few examples of the efforts being made.

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